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10. huhtik. 20181 min käytetty lukemiseen
Elina shooting Johanna
First day with the French crew was about Elina shooting Johanna under the ice. We eventually did find a dress. We made a plan with Teemu...

10. huhtik. 20181 min käytetty lukemiseen
Filming with French people
Our last official filming day (or two) was this one. Such nice days!! This second day was about filming Johanna and Carolina de Salvo...

22. tammik. 20181 min käytetty lukemiseen
France tv3 with us on the weekend
On the weekend we had France tv3 at our cabin with us, to check the location for the filming we will do with them in March. Lovely day!...

16. maalisk. 20171 min käytetty lukemiseen
France tv2, Stade2
26.3.2017 at least all our French friends should be watching tv and Stade2. These a little piece of Johanna coming out then, maybe a 10...

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