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Elina and Johanna
3. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Ice in Finland this year
This winter our lake is beautiful as it always is. But we have been waiting for the ice to come properly and winter to start. And it's...

Elina and Johanna
3. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Anna magazine
In the newest Anna magazine a story about Johanna and her diving. This year I have been waiting to take these kinds of ice pictures. But...

Elina and Johanna
6. marrask. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
September at our lake
Our lake in September when it was just starting to cool down. We needed a day just for ourselves so we packed our Seat Tarraco with...

Elina and Johanna
1. marrask. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Getting colder
Water is getting colder. It always feels like this transition when weather starts to change. Things will be different again. Have to...

Elina and Johanna
10. lokak. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Ruslan with us on an ElinaJohannaDay
Ruslan found Sasha Luckova’s painting in Helsinki, it was one of Sasha’s Giving Heart -project art pieces. And at the back of it there...

Elina and Johanna
18. helmik. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
FAUT PAS REVER, France3 and TV5Monde
Tonight in France, France3 channel and later TV5 Monde, Faut pas Rever travel programme. They were here with us last year and now the...

Elina and Johanna
19. helmik. 20181 min käytetty lukemiseen
Exhibition in Heinola
On Thursday 15.2.2018 opened yet another Elina and Johanna Exhibition, this time in Heinola. We are so excited to work with Heinola city,...

Johanna and Elina
6. helmik. 20181 min käytetty lukemiseen
River walk with Johanna
We have our days at the cabin when we just wake up and think of what could be fun to do next. This morning we got up. Had breakfast with...

6. helmik. 20181 min käytetty lukemiseen
Out in the water with Johanna
We have this 15 metre icy swimming pool at our cabin. It's so nice. Just to have a swim and for Johanna to train and for us to shoot. A...

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