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Underwater Dreams exhibition opening at How Violins in Helsinki

Elina and Johanna

Our first ever ELINAandJOHANNA exhibition opened at How Violins in Helsinki 13.10.2017.

It's so special to us, to show our pictures and let everyone see what our beautiful lakes are like here in Finland. And so special Maija Fast from kept asking us to have an exhibition of our pictures. We used to say no - so many other things to do and if we were to make prints of our pictures we wanted them to be perfect. This year when Maija asked we decided to say yes. Maybe it was time to have our first exhibition at this beautiful gallery/violin shop in Töölö.

We got our prints made at Grano, we made sure it's the best possible art linen fabric that the pictures were printed on. For wood frames we went to the place we trust and we know they do amazing work, Kaken Kehys on our island. And here they are. And like always we couldn't just stop there -- we actually made a limited collection of these prints. 10 sets of all prints which are available for sale. Money will be used to fund Johanna's next record attempt diving under the ice.

We are thanking Guy How and Maija Fast for everything. The night was amazing. About 200-250 people came to see us and our work.

The exhibition is at How Violins 13.10.2017-31.3.2018. You can see them there during the opening times of the shop.

They are also for sale at

Our website will be live soon, you can read about our work and all the exhibitions there.

Oh I so love all the projects with my sister <3.


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